In December 2007 through January 2008, WAA had the honor of working with professor and rehabilitation specialist, Charlene Penner. Miss Penner has over twenty years experience as a teacher of anatomy, physiology and pathology. She is a published author and expert in many healing modalities involving massage, body movement and bio-energetics. One of her specialties is the Trager Reflex Response (TRR) work which is not commonly known. It works with severe Central Nervous System disorders such as stroke, cerebral palsy, or spinal cord injury, using common reflex responses to re-pattern neurological function, allowing a person to regain muscle actions which may have been lost many years prior. While in Peru, Miss Penner served in Lima (Los Olivos and Comas), Urubamba, Cusco and the outlying communities of Patacancha and Cuncani training health care professionals, care givers, and family & friends of patients in the TRR work as well as in Massage for Pain Reduction.
In August 2008, Dawn L. Ferguson, the founder and director of the Children Singing Peace Foundation, came to Urubamba to teach her song of peace in the native language of Quechua. The project lasted over four weeks, working with two grammar schools and hundreds of bright-eyed students. Click here to read her own account as published in her organization’s newsletter. Also, visit her website at www.childrensingingpeace.org for more information about her projects.